Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Special Assignment #1

cartoon globe with cartoon stick figures standing on it

Population of China  1.35 billion
Population of India   1.21 billion
Population of U.S.   309 million

United States is 77.2% smaller than China
United States is 74.58% smaller than India

     Unfortunately, I did not know about WolframAlpha or Google Squared.  For me as a Social Studies teacher I feel that WolframAlpha will be highly useful to me.  It was very user friendly.  It was easy for me to find the information that I was looking for.  This means that my students, even ones that are not used to using a computer, can still find information.  Also I can use it to find information to help come up with idea's for projects for the students.
     After looking at this information I believe that the statics that are reported in Do You Know? did not show the whole picture.  It is easy to be shocked that India has more gifted students than the U.S. has students if that is the only information that you are given.  But when you look at the population size of each country you see that the population is so much greater in India that it follows that they would have more gifted students.  India's population is almost 75% larger than the United States.  I think as teachers we need to teach our students to look at all the data so they get a clear picture of a topic not just a piece.

1 comment:

  1. I think you may be the only student in EDM310 this term to understand this: " But when you look at the population size of each country you see that the population is so much greater in India that it follows that they would have more gifted students. India's population is almost 75% larger than the United States."

