Monday, June 6, 2011


     My first post to read was by Bill Genereux.  He had posted a video of a teacher in Mexico who sang to her students to keep them calm while a drug cartel is shooting outside the school.  The video is very moving and I have included it so everyone can see both Mr. Genereux and myself were impressed with the teacher.  You are able to hear the gunfire while she is singing to the students.  Mr. Genereux brought out the fact that the teacher was amazingly calm during the situation.  He also wrote about how he will remember the teacher when he has a hard day in his classroom.
     I have to agree with him.  In my post that I left for him I mentioned  how I was not only amazed at how she was so composed but also sad that the children were forced to be a part of it.  I also pointed out that I hope that I can be half as composed in my career as a teacher as this women is.  I will also remember this video when I feel that my students are giving me to hard of a time or if I am just having a bad day at work.  Also I will be sending prayers for not only these students but all students that must deal with things like this on a regular basis.

 The second post that I read by Bill Genereux was a bit of a surprise.  I was expecting something about education but instead he was discussing instant reply emails.  These are those things that are automatically sent to you saying that your request was received and please do not respond.  Well these are things that Mr. Genereux does not like.  He would rather have a person actually send him a replay to his question instead of one that says someone will get back to him.  It reminds me in a way of the phone company.  You call with a question and no matter what button you press you never talk to a human being.  In my replay I agreed with him on the uselessness of these emails.  I have a limited amount of time to check email and I feel as if I am wasting valuable time sifting through these emails.  Of course all the complaints in the world will not change that we have to deal these things.  As technology advances and takes the place of humans in jobs, many more things will be automatic.  I think it will be something that we will just have to deal with.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ouida,

    Thanks for visiting my blog. As a technology teacher, occasionally I will comment on technology things I notice. I think as we become more and more immersed in a digital world, we need to pay ever more attention to things that dehumanize us.

    I'm glad to see you blogging and hope you will use this technology with your students at some point.

    Bill Gx
    Kansas State University
